Elusive Salespeople – Why Can’t You find What You Know You Are Looking For?
If I were to ask you what you are looking for in a sales candidate – one who would be in your Top 1% – after about 20 minutes, I would have a list that looks something like this (you may have even handed this list to HR or your sales recruiter) :
- Time Management
- Handling Day-to-Day Stress Levels
- Effective Questioning
- Understanding of the Prospect’s Buying Process
- Extensive Knowledge of the Competition
- Willingness to Walk Away
- Always Learning
- Drive to Win
This list comes from a recent blog by Cara Hogan and is based on what she took away from a discussion group of sales leaders. As you review the list, I would guess that you would shake your head in agreement – that would be my top producer. Go find that person.
So why is it so hard to find this unique salesperson? Let’s add a little science to our narrative, to sharpen our focus.
As you may know, we have worked with Dave Kurlan and Objective Management Group since 1991. Working with Dave, we have learned we must look a little closer at the science of evaluating sales people. After assessing almost one million salespeople, he has a fairly good idea what the top 1% are made of. Take a look:
To meet the criteria you are looking for this position, let’s compile an addendum to your list – a new list of what are those characteristics. How about someone who:
- Makes no excuses –
- knows how to talk about money – and our value without discounts
- Takes a “No” and moves on to the next challenge
- Believes in themselves and in a sales process – with an understanding of people
- Is passionate and committed, truely focused on their future – in writing
- Live for sales and a strong sales outcome
Maybe this addition will help you in your next search for the top 1% sales person…and maybe you would like to talk to us about another dimension to your search for the Top 1% salesperson. Click here.
Also, if you would like to see more of Dave’s analysis – go to his blog.